Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr. Magorium

I recently stumbled upon the movie Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium while channel surfing. I got to admit that I throughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed the most a scene toward the end of the movie when Mr. Magorium is telling Maloney bye. It was a very poignant scene. Mr. Magorium is talking about death and he talks about William Shakespeare's "King Lear". He describes the scene in Act 5 when King Lear dies as "and Shakespeare simply says "He dies". This is said without fanfare, but simply stated- he dies." Then Mr. Magorium goes on to explain "that it's sad but it's not because of the words "He died" but because of the life we saw prior to those words!" Then he asks Maloney that when people ask whatever happened to Mr. Magorium? that she "relates his life in all it's wonders and end it with a simple and modest- he dies." Then he goes on to challenge her with"Life is an occasion- rise to it!" Wow! if that isn't a challenge to us all I don't know what is. But a challenge specifically to live a life full of love and wonder to those around us.
I challenge each of you to live such a life! As Mr. Magorium says "37 seconds well lived is a lifetime"

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