- Family-both near and far
- God and His word
- Friends
- Food
- Husband who's also a GREAT father
- House- roof over my head
- 2 little girls that make me smile
- Clothes to cover myself with
- Washing Machine and dryer to keep said clothes clean
- Other appliances that make my job easier
- Couches to sit on
- Beds to sleep on instead of hard floors
- Heaters and Air Conditioners
- Cars and Trucks to travel to and from places
- Horses to ride on with family
- Indoor plumbing
- Grandparents that love my daughters as much as I do
- Sisters
- Tv shows that make me smile
- Internet- even Facebook as my link to the outside world
- Books to encourage
- Answers to prayer even when it's no
- Toys and Puzzles
- Eating picnic lunches in November
- Wearing wings at lunchtime with my youngest
- Crayons and kid size scissors
- Parents that have become friends
- Great neighbors
- Stable jobs
- Good health
- Even pet cats
- Cameras and pictures to remember things I may soon forget
- Little girl who loves combing my hair- wayy more then I like it
- Fall
- Christmas Decorations
- Christmas Music
- Knowing that my children know the true meaning of Christmas
- The hope of Spring
- Shopping for down on their luck families
- Black Friday ads- and friends that will do the shopping for you
- Late night conversations with my best friend
- Scrapbooking
- Days of giving thanks
- A merciful God
- A Forgiving God- over and over again
- Someone else in control
- Candles
- Homecooking
- Warm days to snuggle with my favorite people
- I love you's said in so many different ways
Oh I could keep going but one of my favorite little people is wanting to snuggle right now and no matter how much I sometimes need reminded to give thanks and to remember what a big God I serve I know that we can actually be worshiping Him in the everyday little things like snuggling with the loves of my life too! God is Good! Have a Happy Thanksgiving