Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time Flies

My oldest daughter turns 5 on Sunday! I've heard since day one with her to "enjoy her while she's young because time goes soo fast" and I of course said "yes, I'm sure it does!"... well it does. She turns 5! We went to Kindergarten round up just the other night for her school. It's truly a bittersweet time for me. It's wonderful that she is growing so fast and so well and that I feel she truly is ready to start kindergarten. I've done all I can to give her the foundation that she needs to be ready for the real world, well she's not ready to live on her own, but I feel confident in the job I've done as a mom to at least prepare her for kindergarten.

I went for a walk with the girls the other day while Patrick was at work and we stopped and smelled the flowers- literally, we talked, we sang, we acted silly and then I realized that this time next year when the flowers start to bloom and the birds start to sing that their won't be three of us on our walks anymore. She'll be starting a new chapter of her life as I close a chapter in my life as her mom. I am now one of those parents that trusts her daughter to a virtual stranger 35 hours a week, 10 months out of the year for the next 18 years! Don't get me wrong... as a parent my job is far from done, now come the days of homework and sports and birthday parties and friends and sooner then I want to belive make up and boys. Now my job as a parent of a schoolage child will change to mainly one of prayer and listening and helping and loving as she grows into the beautiful young lady that God has made her to be. I can't wait to see God's plans for my little girl! So Here's wonderful birthday wishes for my beautiful little Miss!

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